Recruiter Secrets

Insider Tips for Your Job Search

Recruiter Secrets

By Eric Derby

Eric Derby

Eric Derby began his career as a software developer, then a network manager, and accidentally found his way into recruiting. In his 25 years of recruiting, he has worked as a headhunter, worked for staffing agencies, been a corporate recruiter, and a staffing consultant. He has a rare combination of a technical degree and a human resources certification (SPHR). Eric’s experience provides a diverse and unusual perspective on the job search, and he has coached thousands of job seekers on their way to their next fulfilling position.


/ Author

Recruiter Secrets

  • Your applications seem to land in a black hole
  • You are tired of mixed signals and conflicting advice
  • You are frustrated from not reaching your dream job
Recruiter Secrets lights up the job search process from assessing your skills and career goals to the first day of your new job. Recruiter Secrets give you the keys, including:
  • How the hiring process really works
  • How to make a résumé that gets you the interview
  • How to prepare for and ace that interview
Eric Derby has guided thousands of job seekers through the hiring process, helping them to find fulfilling positions. He now offers concise, heart-felt, and practical advice to help you land a job you will love. *** Includes a Covid-19 update chapter. ***

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $14.95.

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